Friday, December 23, 2005


Dyersburg's "Hot Christmas Market" 2005 Part II

After writing the last article I have had time to think about why the Dyersburg real estate market is going so well. In my opinion, all the dynamics are in place for Dyersburg to "take off". Dyersburg has for many years been just a small sleepy town with a few factories and shops. Now, with an aggresive chamber of commerce funded by both city and county governments, new plants are moving to Dyersburg and existing plants are expanding.

I read an article on the chamber site about Dyersburg becoming a micropolitan area and will put a link to this article over on the right side of this Dyersburg real estate market blog. According to the article and my own observations, Dyersburg is now a regional shopping area and in addition is adding new manufacturing jobs to support the local economy.

The Dyersburg real estate market has not overheated like many areas of the country but has grown steadily over the last few years.

Now, we are poised to explode!! As I said earlier in the other posts, people are calling and moving from many other parts of the country to take advantage of our low real estate prices. With new jobs moving into the area, this will only escalate the numbers of people moving to Dyersburg and surrounding areas. Please return for additional posts to this blog!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Dyersburg's "Hot Christmas Market" 2005

I have been in the real estate business since 1989 and have yet to see a Christmas season like this one (Nov & Dec 2005). All of my agents and myself are super busy with buyers and sellers. In addition, good agents from other companies in town are also really busy.

Over the last few days, I have been in contact with agents in Florida and other states and they are telling me that sales are slowing down and even going through a market correction. My wife and I have been watching condo sales skyrocket in Destin,Florida but a Destin agent just informed me that sales have slowed down to a crawl.

So why is the Dyersburg market so hot? I wish I knew. I will be studying this over the next few weeks and will return to this blog with my thoughts.

In the mean time, if you are planning a move to the Dyersburg area please call far enough ahead so that I or one of my agents can schedule time to work with you and your family. Hope you and your family have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Dyersburg real estate homebuyers seminar

Thank-you to all the people that showed up last night at the homebuyers seminar. It was a great success. Also, thanks to Roger Bell from First State Mortgage for co-hosting this event. I would also like to thank Mrs. Beth Bell from the Dyer County entension office for her excellent presentation explaining the homebuying process and how to build up your good credit and maintain it. She had several handouts and a power point presentation that was second to none. We kept copies of the literature she handed out and this will be available upon request. Beth has agreed to repeat this presentation in the spring of 2006. Again, thanks to all for making this homebuyers seminar a great success and we look forward to training more potential homebuyers in the spring!!!

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