Saturday, February 04, 2006


Observations while working this Saturday!!!

This morning I drove a client around wanting to move here from Memphis to retire. She is looking for a small farm to build a nice home on. They are tired of the hustle and bustle of the big city. We looked at 3 farms that met her criteria.

After she left the office, I went inside and started answering the phones. One family that called lives in West Palm Beach Florida and they are looking for a lake front home. I immediately mentioned to them the Lakewood community. We currently have one home on the lake listed there but we are set to close the sale on it in just a few days. As I mentioned in an earlier article, there is alot of interest in this house and in lakefront houses in general with most of the interest coming from Florida families. I have a Florida family that is set to purchase(closing March 3rd) another lakefront home in Lakewood once we work through the home inspection items found. This client mentioned to me yesterday that this year is predicted to be a more active year for hurricanes than 2005.

For all you Florida families reading this article, many of you have the same idea about moving to Tennessee. And, many Florida people are planning to come to Tennessee during spring break to look for houses. I guess that will prevent me from my usual spring break vacation to Destin,Florida.

Please come back for my next article. I have a prediction to make concerning new construction in the Dyersburg area. Good news(if I am correct) for homebuyers that plan a purchase in the next 12 months.

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