Thursday, September 28, 2006


Dyersburg,Tn market conditions today!

As I read the paper about the real estate market slowdown in many areas of the country, I wonder what the difference is in those areas and the West Tennessee area!

We are still busy with local and out of town buyers. Our fundamentals are all still looking good and the local economy is still great. Also, do not forget the local economy is also driven by farming. It appears that our farmers are going to have a very good year indeed. With gas prices dropping, factories near production capacity,
unemployment at a low in Dyersburg and Dyer county,a new factory just announcing that they are coming, and Nucore Steel in Blytheville adding several positions, you can see that conditions are right for the housing market to continue doing very well here.

I am excited about the growth we are experiencing here in Dyersburg. This growth is sustainable growth not rapid growth that eventually returns back to earth.

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