Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Dyersburg Chamber President Speaks at Realtor Luncheon

Yesterday Allen Hester spoke at our Dyersburg Board of Realtors luncheon/meeting. He spoke about 30 minutes and shared lots of information about the growth of Dyersburg and potential industry relocating to Dyersburg.

Let me share some of his thoughts here:

1.There are 6 different potential companies looking at our spec building in the new industrial park. Lots of information about Dyersburg has been shared with all 6 and he is hopeful one of these will commit soon. He also mentioned a rumor he heard but
but so far unable to confirm that Crayola is looking at the former world color building in Dyersburg.
2. There are 4 plants already in Dyersburg with imminent plans for expansion(says he is sworn to secrecy)
3. New prospect activity has already almost double from this time last year.
4. Excel Polymers factory just sold to another company.(my-Mike's sources inside and out tell me this is a win/win deal)and they have added 20 new jobs since Jan 2009
5. Sun Products Corp(former Huish detergents) has added 55 new jobs since Jan 2009
6. NSK Steering systems(here a couple of years now) has added 62 new positions since Jan 2009
7. ERMCO Transformers factory has added 5 new jobs since Jan 2009
8. Firestone(makes car parts) added 9 new jobs since Jan 2009
9. Colonial DPP(rubber plant) has added 23 new jobs since Jan 09
10. Nordyne(new plant here about 6-7 yrs ago and makes central AC units) has added
146 new jobs since Jan 2009
11. The river port just north of us is now being funded and constructed.
13. Interstate I69 is under construction and planned to come through Dyer
County close to Dyersburg
14. There is a mega site purchased and paid for in Haywood County with 3400
acres and when a car company or other industry builds here many employees will
live and shop in Dyersburg
15. Heckathorne Off Road Products has bought the former Thomas Industries building
because they have outgrown their current location

As you can see I am pretty excited about Dyersburg(as is Allen) and believe we have a bright future. Allen did not mention the growth going on in Newbern(8 miles northeast of Dyersburg and part of Dyer County. Briggs and Stratton and Eaton Corporation have both been hiring new employees. He also failed to mention the steel related industries just across the river who have been employing so many people who live in Dyersburg.

We have a very active Dyersburg/Dyer County Chamber of Commerce and a great president leading our chamber. Allen, if you read this thanks for all your hard work and for speaking to us yesterday!

If you are moving to Dyersburg and need help with your relocation, please give me a call at 800-896-8016 or text me at 731-589-7841.


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